Fashion, Sport, Tourism.

Fashion, Sport, Tourism
The exhibition
July, 5th – October, 29th 2023 (open until 28 January 2024)
The videos with which Roger Federer conveys the image of Switzerland and of one possible new Grand Tour are highly emblematic of visual communication models, able of suggesting fascinating connections. Produced by “Switzerland Tourism”, the videos entrust in fact the tourist message to one of the most popular and beloved sports champions, emblematic in the contemporary imagination with the beauty of the athletic gesture closely linked to the elegance of clothing and fashion.
The Fashion, Sport and Tourism exhibition, organized by the Museo della Grafica (City of Pisa, University of Pisa) in collaboration with USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland), ends here; but it starts from far away.
Prints, graphic works, posters, clothing, and videos compose an original pathway through images of champions, stylists and places, that communication strategies and models since the beginning of the Twentieth Century to our days, have put together as subjects from theater and cinema, of graphics and advertisement. These are wonderful stories of fashion, sports, tourist scenery and itineraries: from Elsa Schiaparelli to Emilio Pucci, Bally, Caruso, Purest, Lacoste, Federer, Miu Miu, from Pisa to Saint Tropez…
The exhibition, organised by the Museo della Grafica (Municipality of Pisa, University of Pisa) and USI – Università della Svizzera italiana, is part of the programme of the international conference Fashion communication: between tradition and future digital developments (Pisa, 3-5 July 2023)
Exhibition curated by
Alessandro Tosi e Lorenzo Cantoni
With the collaboration of
Diego Fiorini
With the contribution of
Ebe Antetomaso, Veronica Neri
Silvia Gazzina
Assembly and outfitting
Simona Bellandi, Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge
Editing audio/video
Giovanni Francesco Castriotta, Nicola Trabucco
Music in the exhibition
Vladimiro D’Angella, Jennifer Schittino, Chiara Mariani
With the cooperation and sponsorship of
Alexandrina University Library (Rome), North-West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce, University of Pisa Centre for Innovation and Dissemination of Culture (CIDIC), Opera del Duomo
The collaboration of
National Museum Salce Collection of Treviso – Regional Directorate Museums Veneto
The support of
Pisa University Museum System
Pisa, Museo della Grafica – Palazzo Lanfranchi (Lungarno Galileo Galilei, 9)
July, 5th – October, 29th 2023 (open until 24 January 2024)